District Phone Service

Local and Long Distance

The district’s communications provider for local and long distance telephone service is SBC (Southwestern Bell).  All costs associated with services and equipment is covered by the Business Office. Only the following individuals are authorized to call the providers to place orders for the district:

            John Piscacek, Assoc. Supt.

            Barrie Cudmore, Supervisor /Telephone Technicians

            Nora Cotton, Dept. Secretary

For repairs, equipment, and services, a work order should be entered on the Office Management system. If the request warrants, the appropriate authorizations will be secured.

 Pay Phones

Due to the popularity of cellular phones, the amount of revenue generated by pay phones has been substantially decreased.  Currently, the district is supplied with a minimal number of pay phones at selected sites.  This service is provided by SBC and requests for pay phones should be made to the Business office. Small commissions are paid on the amount of revenue generated by the phones.