Pasadena ISD Highlights Veteran Teachers

Pasadena ISD Celebrates Veteran Educators during Teacher Appreciation Week
Posted on 05/09/2024
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In Pasadena ISD, educators keep communities and classrooms linked by showing their unwavering commitment and innovation in providing students with ongoing learning opportunities, mentorship, guidance, and an attitude of excellence. 

Even while educators are stretched thin, juggling various life challenges, learning new teaching platforms, and helping students, they still find time to love what they do and be the teachers who teach the world unapologetically.  

Therefore, as the district celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week, this year's mission is to recognize the ones who have built the stepping stones for all teachers in the district. 

Today, we highlight the teachers who've graced Pasadena ISD with their wisdom, presence, and exhilarating energy for over 35 years. 

Teachers have a profound and lifelong impact on all students, and Pearl Hall Elementary teacher Linda Guerra is no exception. Mrs. Guerra, who has taught for over 50 years, this is an example of building a brighter future in our district. 

Currently, a 3rd-grade teacher coming from the beloved special ed program to becoming the voice for many past and present students in the district, she was highlighted by Pearl Hall Elementary Principal Tamez, who understands the impact and influence Mrs. Guerra has had on all students she's encountered in her career. 

Linda Guerra 

Throughout her exceptional teaching career, Mrs. Guerra has been an influential force in making a difference in student's lives daily not only in class setting but showing up for them outside of it as well.  Coming from a special education background in Corpus Christi, she never realized where her journey would stop. Coming to Pasadena ISD shortly after she married her now husband, Mrs. Guerra began to be the voice and face for Pearl Hall Elementary as she became that teacher anyone could go to, especially in terms of mentorship. As she kept teaching, her goals became simple: to "give back to those who've poured into me no matter their struggles." Dealing with the struggles of being a Special Ed facilitator and transitioning into a regular class setting, her heart never let her lose sight of what she truly enjoyed, and that was ensuring all students she encounters earns a chance for success, which is why no matter the age, or grade class Mrs. Guerra is undoubtedly to stop by and lend out help and advice. With her motivating words and classroom decorations, the influential spirit has created the most significant impact

in the district. Through her 35 years of teaching in the district, her attitude of excellence has yet to leave her side. 

To think many Pasadena ISD teachers have been in the district for decades, it's incredible to see the infectious influence they've had on others, and that's why the district finds it so important to explain how life changing these teachers have been for district students like:

Cecelia Stewart 

A native of Ireland, not arriving in Pasadena until 1983, Cecelia was stunned but pleased when she was greeted by the principal, Mr. McNab, at Meador Elementary and his snakeskin from the Texas Hill Country. From that point on, Cecelia was hooked, and from then on, she became a Meador. Initially, she became their PTA's lead artist and was asked to be on the board after her stellar 10ft banner wrapped around Meador's outside wall. With her vast success, the compliments continued as she was asked to be the PTA president. Her journey taught parents and students how artistry and creativity are within us, no matter how one may look at art. Her success and pleasant presence were appreciated, so she was hired as the school's clerical aid. She loved that "art soothes and uplifts a student's mindset". She has not only brought the glitter and sparkles at Meador but also implemented "several events and traditions for Meador, including face painting, school art shows, and most importantly, the Meador Irish Show on St. Patrick's Day with her lucky pot of gold and leprechaun for the kids to celebrate. Cecelia has been a transformational voice in Pasadena ISD, never backing down from a challenge and spreading love and positivity to even those who might not enjoy art. Through that, she has built a brighter future for all her students and the ones to come. A beautiful 35-year journey "spreading sparkle" is a teacher at Pasadena ISD who loves to celebrate the exciting week with artistic mediums for every student to enjoy. 

Tammy Sawyer

A kindergarten teacher at Richey Elementary has been in Pasadena ISD for the last 35 years. Pasadena ISD was Mrs. Sawyer's first and only choice for employment as they offered exceptional staff development for their teachers. Mrs. Sawyer has happily served Pasadena ISD students and families with charisma and grace, building her students' up to gain whatever they desire in their future endeavors. The impact that being a teacher in Pasadena has had on her life has been a" treasured blessing," from gaining relationships with the staff to brightening up a student's day and being awarded the honor of serving as a team leader and mentoring new teachers through staff development training or one-on-one sessions. She has  impacted the district in more ways than one through support for all students, maintaining an open-door policy, and being a part of the GT program for grades K-4.  As a past Teacher of the Year in 2012-2013 at Pasadena ISD, Mrs. Sawyer's goal has always been to support and foster growth and development for all students, families, and teachers, and not a day has gone by where she hasn't fulfilled her goal at Richey Elementary. 

As we end off, it's not only the teachers that Pasadena ISD celebrates but also the district principals who once started as educators, for example: 

Karyn Johnson

Serving for 40 years in Pasadena ISD and holding the title of principal as a Bailey Elementary Bee for 31 years has allowed her to become a genuine part of the community and build continuity in relationships with many families. As a fellow alumna from Pasadena ISD, Karyn poured back into the district that once shaped her. With her successful career serving the district for 41 years, educating at Pasadena High School as a math teacher and then maintaining an administration status for the next few years, she was hired as Bailey Elementary Principal, where she has instilled much more than educational values in all Bailey bees. Through her journey as principal at Bailey, she's implemented several impactful programs such as an enhanced special needs curriculum for autistic students and implementing the One and Two Dual Language at the elementary being one of the only six that has both language programs has truly changed the scope of learning as a Bailey Bee. Earning Teacher of the Year in Pasadena ISD in 2008-2009, Principal Karyn uses her several "points of pride" to produce exceptional excellence at Bailey; it's fantastic to see how she allows opportunities to grow and educate anyone who may walk through Principal Karyn's door.

Today's public school teachers are more than just educators for students; investing in classrooms, going the extra mile, and being that hero for various students is the saving grace many districts can't say they have. Therefore, with teachers like the ones above, it's only fitting that, as a community, the task is to ensure we celebrate and thank all teachers on this week of celebration and never forget the ones who set the standard for Pasadena ISD.